
AppDaemon setup varies depending on your Home Assistant setup.


Setup with the AppDaemon add-on is straightforward. By default, your apps directory should be /config/appdaemon/apps. Apps from HACS will be placed in subfolders under there. Just update /config/appdaemon/apps/apps.yaml with the information from the app's README to set up an app from HACS in AppDaemon.

AppDaemon in Docker

Install AppDaemon using this tutorial.

To allow AppDaemon to run HACS installed files in HA you need to bind the correct folder to the conf folder for AD. You will modify the -v binding to “/appdaemon:/conf”

Here is an example docker run command, but you need to make sure you rename your path to the correct HA config directory:

sudo docker run -d --name="appdaemon" --restart=unless-stopped -p 5050:5050 -e HA_URL="http://<your_HA_IP:PORT>" -v <your_HA_config_directory>/appdaemon:/conf -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -e TOKEN="<your_HA_AD_Token>" -e DASH_URL="http://$HOSTNAME:5050" acockburn/appdaemon:latest

Make sure you change the permissions on the appdaemon conf directory in the HA config directory to allow HACS to write that folder.

Other Setups

If you have AppDaemon set up in a different way (for example, on a different machine), it is still likely possible but not yet documented on how to set it up with HACS. If you have set up AppDaemon and HACS with a different setup than the above, pull requests to this documentation are welcomed.